Zachery Bettinger

Zachery Bettinger

Where are you now?

Armstrong Middle School, Starkville, MS

Why did you choose to come to MSU and pursue a degree in education? It was the best fit for my education goals.

How did the METP program enhance your college experience at Mississippi State? The METP program introduced me to a few friends, and gave me a preemptive view of the school. Going  there earlier for my METP interview gave me an understanding of the campus layout. I also met other METP scholars, and made a few associates in our weekly meetings.

What were some of your on-campus involvements outside of METP? I liked to host local board game parties. 

What advice would you give entering freshmen or students finishing up high school? Leave your dorm door open! You'll make lots of friends. 

Please share a funny moment/interesting fact about yourself.  I am an amateur artist, and spend lots of my free time drawing and painting.