Rachel Weems

Rachael Weems

Where are you now? Northwest Rankin Elementary, Flowood, MS

Why did you choose to come to MSU? Growing up, I always wanted to be a teacher, and my family bleeds maroon and white. During most of high school, I was debating between two schools, one being MSU. I heard from many friends, family, and my high school mentor that Mississippi State is a great school for education majors, especially elementary education. When I visited the campus, Mississippi State took my breath away, and I knew right then and there that I wanted to be apart of the Bulldog family!

How did the METP enhance your college experience at Mississippi State? The MET program gave us future educators experiences and opportunities that richly benefited us and our future classroom. During that new season in life, I was so thankful for the life-long friendships, the unconditional support, and the community METP had that helped make that new transition smoother and more fun!

What were some of your other involvements on campus? I was involved with RUF, Reformed University Fellowship, there at Mississippi State.

Funny moment/Interesting Fact? I can quote Disney’s The Little Mermaid from start to finish.